underactive thyroid

  1. Know common reasons for delayed periods

    Pregnant Or Delayed Periods? How To Find Out

    Whether you’re hoping for a pregnancy or not, being late can be a confusing experience. A delayed period is one of the first signs of pregnancy, but being late doesn’t always mean a baby is on the way. Periods can be delayed for a number of reasons. It may be related to a person’s health, physical activity levels, or their lifestyle choices. In some instances, there may not be an underlying cause at all. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux and our cycles can temporarily change for seemingly no reason.

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  2. Get the full prescribed information about underactive thyroid

    Can Underactive Thyroid be treated?

    Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormones. It can take a while for the symptoms of hypothyroidism to become noticeable and they can often be attributed to other conditions like stress and ageing. You may not know you’re suffering from an underactive thyroid until the condition becomes more severe. At this point, the symptoms can seriously impact your quality of life. The symptoms of hypothyroidism will also depend on the severity of the condition.

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  3. Don't miss these early symptoms of thyroid disorders

    Common Thyroid Problems: Identifying The Symptoms Early On

    Located in your neck in front of your windpipe is a small, butterfly-shaped gland called the thyroid. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and takes iodine from the foods you eat to produce two hormones called triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T3 and T4 is carried by your bloodstream and reaches every cell within your body, affecting how your body functions. When you produce too much or you don’t produce enough of the hormones, your body will be affected in several ways.

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  4. Exploring how your thyroid affects your lifespan

    How Do Thyroid Levels Impact Life Expectancy?

    The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland located in the front of your neck. It is responsible for producing two hormones that the cells in your body need to function, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). When your thyroid produces normal amounts of these hormones, your cells and tissue function normally. However, if your thyroid level is too high or too low, you will feel the effects throughout your entire body.

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