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  1. Hirsutism treatment strategies for smoother skin

    Hirsutism: What You Need To Know

    Life would be a lot easier for women if we didn’t have to spend so much time and effort removing unwanted hair. Whether it’s tweezing a stray hair, shaving our legs, or waxing our eyebrows, hair removal is an expensive and time-consuming task. This can become even more expensive and time consuming if you have hirsutism. Hirsutism is a condition that causes excessive growth of thick, dark hair in a male-like pattern on the face, chest, neck, and back. While all women have a certain amount of hair growing in these locations, with hirsutism the hair is much more pronounced. This can cause psychological distress and issues with self-confidence. There are several ways to treat hirsutism, including medications, traditional hair removal methods, and more permanent forms of hair removal. Which treatment works best for you will depend on the underlying condition causing excessive hair growth.

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  2. Managing hirsutism caused by PCOS: Cause, medications and hair removal method

    How To Manage Hirsutism Caused By PCOS?

    Most women are no strangers to removing unwanted facial and body hair. This can include shaving the legs and under the arms, shaping the eyebrows, and plucking the occasional stray hair on the chin. 

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  3. Get the full prescribed information about hirsutism & it's treatment

    What causes hirsutism? Can it be reversed?

    Hair growth caused by hirsutism grows in coarse and dark, usually on the face, neck, chest, back, and stomach. You might be surprised to learn that hirsutism in women is a very common condition that affects up to 10% of women. While it doesn’t impact your physical health, it can cause distressing emotional and psychological side effects. Beauty standards are subjective, but some women with excessive hair growth can feel depressed, anxious, or have issues with their self-image.

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  4. Common mistakes in treating PCOS and unwanted hair

    Are You Making Mistakes When Treating PCOS And Unwanted Hair?

    Are you suffering from hirsutism? If so, you may be worried about your appearance and have issues with your self-image. Women with hirsutism have more facial and body hair than other women, which can be very distressing. The amount of hair a woman ‘should have’ is subjective, but when it comes to hirsutism women often grow excessive hair in patterns that are seen more often in men.

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  5. Understanding the impact of waxing on hirsutism symptoms

    Is Waxing Good Or Bad For Hirsutism?

    Even though body positivity is a big movement in the beauty world, many people are just not comfortable with having excess body or facial hair. If you want to remove unwanted hair growth (hirsutism), you might be wondering which treatment will get you the results you’re after.

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