1. Understanding vision health to protect your eyesight & maintain healthy vision

    How To Prevent Vision Loss And Improve Eyesight?

    The eyes are the window to the soul as they say. They’re vital to helping you see the world around you, make memories, and go about your favourite activities. Losing your vision can be very scary, especially if you aren’t sure what’s causing it.

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  2. Glaucoma: A complete guide to symptoms, prevention and treatment

    Everything You Need To Know About Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65. It’s usually the result of increased pressure in your eyes but can occur even when pressure levels are normal. Glaucoma is a progressive, degenerative disease of the optic nerve, a part of your body that is essentially an extension of the brain. It connects the eye to the brain and is responsible for visual signals to be interpreted by the brain. Also like the brain, any damage is permanent because the optic nerve can’t regenerate.

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