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emergency contraception

  1. Hormonal contraception a complete guide for uk residents

    Contraception And Your Body: Understanding The UK's Hormonal Options

    Contraception or birth control, plays an important role in family planning and women's reproductive health. Various options for emergency contraception pills in the UK are available to help individuals make informed choices about their reproductive well-being. 

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  2. Impact of contraceptive methods on mental health

    Contraception And Your Mental Health

    Hormone levels naturally fluctuate as you age, especially during phases of life like puberty, the menopause, and pregnancy. Thyroid disorders, stress, exercise, and polycystic ovarian syndrome can also cause a hormonal imbalance. Unbalanced hormones can lead to a wide range of symptoms including changes to your mood. Some people may feel irritable, depressed or anxious. Others may find improvements to their mood. Taking hormonal birth control is an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and can also be used to treat certain health conditions. Like any other type of medication, hormonal birth control comes with the risk of side effects because of how it interacts with your hormones. One of the most common side effects of hormonal birth control is changes to your mood.

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  3. The ultimate guide to contraceptive options for women

    What Are The Best Methods Of Contraception For Women?

    Finding the best method of birth control has more to do with personal preference than the availability of options. There are several forms of contraception available to women in 2023, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. To help you decide which one is right for you, Pharmacy Planet has put together this guide outlining the most used forms of birth control.

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  4. 4 Things that might be delaying your Period

    4 Things that might be delaying your Period

    Our periods come every month and we usually know what to expect with them. Sometimes, however, our periods seem to have a mind of their own. Maybe they come early or late, are heavier than usual, or you experience PMS symptoms you don’t usually get.

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