Things You Probably Don't Know About Hemorrhoids

This problem, also known as Piles, is very common and is usually related to increased blood pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum and anus. This can happen during pregnancy or childbirth, in the case of many women, and due to constipation.

The formation of hemorrhoids can be due to various causes, such as those mentioned above. But, in all cases, there is an alteration in the pressure of the rectal veins and this alters the structure of the hemorrhoids, that is, they dilate. You can purchase excellent Hemorrhoids treatment medication such as Xyloproct and Scheriproct online at pharmacy planet. Hemorrhoids are the most common anorectal disease, in such a way that up to 50% of people over 50 years of age have presented them to some degree. This pathology occurs when these structures located in the anal canal formed by venules, arterioles, arteriovenous communications and muscle move inside the anus or are expelled outside it. The consequences of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding or anal bleeding, anal itching or pruritus, pain and external hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

In this way, among the main symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • Inflammation.
  • Itching or irritation.
  • Pain and discomfort, especially when sitting.
  • A lump near the anus, which may be tender or painful.
  • Sometimes bleeding, with or without pain (small bright red spots of blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl).

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?
In addition to the symptoms mentioned, the doctor should perform a review in his office. They can also ask you about some aspects related to your eating habits and your lifestyle in general.

All of which will help your doctor to know the risk factors you may have for hemorrhoids, for example, if you have frequent constipation if your fibre intake is very low or null if you drink little fluids, among others.

Likewise, you can request or perform some other tests to confirm that it is indeed hemorrhoids, rule out other conditions and prevent further complications.

Above all, if internal hemorrhoids are suspected, you may be asked to perform tests such as the following:

Anoscopy, which is an endoscopic examination, essential to establish the diagnosis of hemorrhoids, as well as their degree of prolapse. It is recommended for the diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids in early stages.Colonoscopy is an exploratory test performed in patients over 50 years of age, as well as in those with a family history of abdominal symptoms that warrant its performance. However, it is not an initial study for the diagnosis of hemorrhoids.