How Does Period Delay Work?

Menstrual delay is not always a sign of pregnancy, because other situations such as excessive stress, strong emotions, hormonal alterations and even the excessive consumption of caffeine or alcoholic beverages can make menstruation late. If you are searching for Period Delay Tablets such as Norethisterone Tablets online in the UK, Pharmacy planet has you covered.

The menstrual delay can last from 1 to 5 days, and even 1 or 2 months and, in this situation, it is important to consult your doctor, especially if the absence of menstruation exceeds 3 months and you are not pregnant, so that you can identify the cause and be treated.

If your period is still late and you have already performed at least 2 pregnancy tests in the last month with a 7-day interval between one test and another, it is very likely that you are not pregnant, so the delay can be caused by other situations such as:

  1. Excess physical activity
    Excess physical activity, as occurs with athletes or people who are preparing for a sports competition, for example, can cause hormonal alterations such as an increase in prolactin, which in turn can cause a delay in menstruation.

  2. Very restrictive diets
    Some very restrictive diets can cause hormonal changes that in turn can lead to changes in menstruation. In addition to this, the lack of some nutrients makes the body take advantage of the reserve it has to be used in the most important functions of the body, which can be reflected in delays or absence of menstruation.

  3. Alterations in the reproductive system
    Alterations in the reproductive system, such as the presence of endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome or the presence of fibroids in the uterus, can also cause oscillations in female sex hormones, causing alterations in menstruation.

  4. Alterations of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
    The hypothalamus and the pituitary are two glands that are located in the brain and are responsible for the regulation of sex hormones. The presence of any disease that causes alterations in these glands can generate changes in the menstrual cycle, causing the delay or advancement of menstruation.

  5. Contraceptive pills for continuous use
    Contraceptive pills and other contraceptive methods of continuous use, by providing hormones to the body on a daily basis and without breaks, prevent menstruation from occurring. However, small bleeds can occur occasionally, but on different days of the menstrual cycle.

  6. Premenopause
    When the menopause phase approaches, it is normal for delays in menstruation to occur. Some women may enter menopause early, without noticing that this is the cause of delayed menstruation.

  7. Postpartum
    In the postpartum period, menstruation can only return after the woman stops breastfeeding. However, it is necessary to use contraception while breastfeeding to avoid pregnancy.

  8. Use of contraceptives
    In some women who stop using birth control, such as birth control pills, the implant, or the birth control shot, it can take about 6 months for the menstrual cycle to return to normal, which is perfectly normal, without any cause for concern.

  9. Stress and anxiety
    Stress can influence hormonal regulation made by the hypothalamus in the brain, causing changes in menstruation.

These situations can cause the absence of menstruation for more than 3 months (amenorrhea), is recommended to consult a doctor in case this occurs. Learn about other causes that can cause delayed menstruation in Amenorrhea: What can cause missed menstruation.

Attention should also be paid to adolescent girls who have reached the age of 16 and have not yet menstruated for the first time. In this case, the gynaecologist can diagnose primary amenorrhea that must be investigated. This delay in menstruation may be related to problems such as: head trauma, prematurity or defects in the reproductive system, such as an imperfect hymen, a septate uterus or an absence of a uterus.