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  1. PCOS Facial Hair: Why it Happens and How to Deal With It?

    PCOS Facial Hair: Why it Happens and How to Deal With It?

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common hormonal disorder that causes the reproductive hormones to become unbalanced. PCOS can cause irregular periods, fertility problems, weight gain, acne,

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  2. How to Identify & Treat Hirsutism

    How to Identify & Treat Hirsutism?

    All women have a certain amount of body hair and, yes, even a certain amount of facial hair. Men tend to have more hair than women and their hair is usually thicker, darker, and coarser than the hair that grows on women.

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  3. How to Slow Down Facial Hair Growth in Women?

    How to Slow Down Facial Hair Growth in Women?

    Shaving, plucking, waxing, and epilating are a daily part of most women’s lives. We spend a lot of time, effort, and money on hair removal and what we wear often depends on what we managed to shave that day.

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  4. Living with Hirsutism and PCOS

    Living with Hirsutism and PCOS

    The amount of body and facial hair a woman is ‘supposed’ to have is subjective, especially among different cultures and countries. However, if you are a woman who has hair in places that make you uncomfortable or self-conscious, you may have a condition called hirsutism.

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