Simple Tips to Stop Snoring
Everyone snores occasionally and it’s generally not something to worry about. But if you snore every single time you sleep at night, it can disrupt your slumber leading to daytime lethargy, irritability, and increased health issues. Also, if your partner is awake due to snoring, it can create major relationship problems too. Thankfully, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for snoring. There are many effective solutions that can help you and your partner sleep better at night.
Before learning the tips, let us first know the causes of snoring:
What is snoring?
It is the snorting and rattling sound made by the vibration of the airway located at back of the mouth, nose and throat during sleep during the process of breathing. The sound is generated due to a partial blockage in the airways due to the relaxation of the muscles holding them open. It is a very common phenomenon and affects as many as 40% adults where men are largely affected.
Snoring can be disturbing to both the snorer and the surrounding people leading to symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness, reduced mental function, emotional upset and relationship issues. Moreover, if the snoring is too much, it can also be an early warning sign for obstructive sleep apnoea, whereby people struggle periodically to breathe during the night.
How can you prevent/ ease snoring?
1 .Know the cause: To control the process of snoring, you first need to diagnose the cause of snoring. Learning the difference between kinds of snoring will help you to address the particular causes of that kind of snoring.
- Closed-mouth snoring: indicates that your tongue is the cause of your snoring, and with some exercises and lifestyle changes you can eliminate it.
- Open-mouthed snoring: it is due to sinus trouble or by posture in bed.
- Snoring from any position might indicate apnea or other significant issues that will require more substantial medical treatment to address.
2. Change Your Position: Lying on your back makes the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, causing a vibrating sound during sleep. Sleeping on your side may help prevent this.
3. Avoid things that make snoring worse: Alcohol, sleeping pills, coffee, and fatty foods for dinner or around bedtime can increase snoring by making your throat muscles relax and narrowing your airway.
- Smoking can also be a frequent cause of snoring and a health hazard in general. If you're a smoker with constant snoring problems, consider quitting.
- Consider losing weight. Fat deposition at the back of the throat is often the cause of snoring. Losing weight can be really beneficial.
4. Check for allergy: There are high chances that the presence of allergies in your nasal passage is responsible for snoring or making it worse. You can manage allergies with our online consultation service. Once on proper medication, your snoring will get better with time.
5. Keep your bedroom more humid: Lack of humidity can often be a cause of snoring, so using a humidifier or taking a hot bath or shower before bed can help alleviate snoring by keeping the breathing channels moist.
6. Nasal strips: If you are not really comfortable with nasal sprays, you can use nasal strips. Nasal strips are a drug free, easy to apply alternative that will open the nasal passages naturally by holding them in the right position and giving you a trouble free sleep.

Authored By
BSc(hons) Pharmacy
GPhC Number: 2061107

Reviewed By
BSc Pharm, MRPharmS, Independent Prescriber, Superintendent Pharmacist, Clinical Lead
GPhC Number: 2050925