Comparing inhaler options for optimal asthma control Comparing inhaler options for optimal asthma control

Navigating the world of blue inhalers for asthma can feel like a blue blur. Both Ventolin and Salamol offer relief, but understanding their differences is key to choosing the right one for you.

What's the difference between Ventolin and Salamol?


  • Rescue inhaler: Provides quick relief from sudden asthma symptoms like shortness of breath and wheezing.
  • Works fast: Starts opening airways within minutes, lasting up to 4-6 hours.
  • Dosage: Used as needed, up to 10 puffs per attack.


  • Preventer inhaler: Helps prevent asthma attacks by keeping airways open for a longer duration.
  • Slower onset: Takes about 15-30 minutes to work, but effects last up to 12 hours.
  • Dosage: Usually used twice daily, morning and evening.

Who Benefits from Ventolin or Salamol?


  • Ideal for: Anyone with asthma experiencing sudden symptoms.
  • Good for: People with infrequent attacks or those needing quick relief during exercise or triggers.


  • Ideal for: Individuals with regular or frequent asthma attacks.
  • Good for: Long-term prevention and reducing the need for rescue inhalers.

Choosing the Right Inhaler for Asthma Management

  • Consult your doctor: They can assess your asthma severity, frequency of attacks, and lifestyle to recommend the most suitable option.
  • Consider your needs: Do you need quick relief for sudden attacks or long-term prevention?
  • Combination options: Both medications can be combined in one inhaler (Seretide) for those needing both functions.

Important Reminders

  • Ventolin is not a preventative: Don't rely solely on it for long-term control.
  • Salamol needs regular use: Skipping doses won't prevent attacks.
  • Proper technique matters: Ensure you use your inhaler correctly for optimal benefits.

Where to Get Your Blue Inhaler?

We offer both Ventolin Evohaler and Salamol Evohaler, along with other asthma medications and educational resources. Remember, self-medicating is never advised. Consult your doctor to determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs.