Beat emotional eating by mindful eating for weight loss success

Even as supply issues continue and prices of basic groceries continue to soar, we still have unparalleled access to a wide variety of foods. A downside to this availability is that we often choose the easiest options for our meals and many of these choices aren’t good ones. Obesity is becoming more common in our population which also means weight related complications and diseases are also more common. It can be difficult to lose weight in this fast-paced world and many people feel like they can’t achieve their goals no matter what they do.

Two proven ways to successfully shed the extra kgs are mindful eating and prescription weight loss medications. Your chances for success are even higher when you combine these two techniques.

Weight Loss Tablets

Orlistat/Xenical Capsules, is an NHS approved prescription medication for weight loss for people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 30. It can also be prescribed to people with a BMI of 28 or higher if they are at risk of weight related diseases like type-2 diabetes. Speak to your GP or contact us to discuss whether Xenical is right for you. Orlistat weight loss tablets work by absorbing some of the fat you eat. You’ll need to consume a diet that has only 30% fat and this fat should be made up of healthy fats. Examples of healthy fats include oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, and avocados. While taking Orlistat, you should eat three meals per day and take a dose with each meal. You’ll start losing weight because not as much of your dietary fat will be absorbed by your body.

Mindful Eating

Weight loss medicine only works when you take it alongside a healthy lifestyle. Taking these medications on their own will not help you lose weight. You’ll need to eat a balanced diet and participate in regular exercise to get any benefit from weight loss tablets. Eating better is not an easy task. If it was, there wouldn’t be so many diet trends continually popping up on social media. Weight loss diets rarely work in the long term because once you stop the diet, the weight comes back. Effective weight loss management is all about eating a balanced, realistic diet that you can stick to. Mindful eating is one way to achieve this.

Mindfulness has been practised for thousands of years and was well known concept in many Eastern religions before recently entering the Western mainstream. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that grounds you in the moment while helping you come to terms with your emotions and physical surroundings. When you practice mindfulness, you are able to be more aware of your emotions, surroundings, and physical sensations without judgement. This type of meditation has proven highly successful in treating a number of conditions including like depression, stress, and anxiety. It can also help you better deal with intrusive thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Mindfulness has other applications including helping with weight loss. Also known as mindful eating, mindfulness for weight loss helps you achieve realistic goals and break bad food habits. By applying the techniques of mindfulness to your eating habits, you’ll be able to enjoy your food more and make better choices. One of the major benefits of mindful eating is that you are more aware of your experiences, thoughts and feelings around food. Mindful eating includes:

Embracing mindful eating for weight loss

  • Eating your food slowly and deliberately without distraction.
  • Engaging all your senses when eating through the smells, flavours, mouthfeel, colours, and sounds associated with your food.
  • Learning to identify when you’re actually hungry and not experiencing emotional hunger.
  • Preventing overeating by stopping when you’re full.
  • Keeping you from excessive snacking.

Considered one of the best weight loss programs in the UK, mindful eating will make you less likely to have negative thoughts and habits about eating. Being able to recognise your physical cues will also help you make better eating choices.

Mindful Eating Techniques for Weight Loss

Reducing distractions while you’re eating is the first step to mindful eating. When you aren’t focused on your food, you may overeat or choose options that aren’t good for you. Distractions including deep conversations, watching TV, or scrolling through your phone. Eating is a pleasurable experience so put down that phone, turn off the TV, and save the heavy debates for after you’ve finished eating. Instead, focus on your food and all the sensations associated with it. Foods that take more of your attention to eat can help you get the hang of mindful eating. Pomegranates and shelled nuts are ideal because they take time and specific movements to eat. Although any type of food can work for mindful eating as long as you:

  • Eat slowly. It takes time for your brain to recognise you’re full so eating slowly will help you stop eating when you’re full.
  • Chew each bite thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Stop to reflect on the sensations you’ve experienced from each bite.
  • Ask yourself why you’re eating and if you’re happy with your food choices.
  • Notice the way you feel both before, during, and after you eat.

Carrying out these steps with every meal can be a difficult task. Instead, pick one meal a day to start mindful eating, such as breakfast. Beginning your day with mindfulness and better eating choices will help set you up for the rest of the day. Once you have practised mindful eating a few times, it will become more second nature. You can start implementing your mindfulness to additional meals at this point.

Where to Buy Weight Loss Pills Online in the UK

Effective weight loss pills like Orlistat/Xenical tablets are available to buy online in the UK from us. As a recognised weight loss medicine by the NHS, you can safely use Orlistat to successfully lose weight. For the tablets to work, you’ll need to enact healthy eating habits like those achieved with mindful eating. Find out more on our online pharmacy or contact us directly via phone, email, or through our webform.