Monthly Archives: September 2022
Oral contraceptives. Who, which, when, and why?
Contraceptive pills are an easy way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Taken once per day, they can be seamlessly added to your daily routine, giving you protection all month long without you having to even think about it.
Posted: September 24, 2022Categories: Contraceptive -
What Are Rheumatic Diseases and How to Treat Them?
Rheumatic diseases are inflammatory conditions that cause varying levels of pain and discomfort in the joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones. People of any age, ethnicity, and gender are susceptible to developing a rheumatic disease
Posted: September 21, 2022Categories: General Healths -
Osteoporosis: How Effective Are The Medications Used To Prevent Bone Fractures?
When you’re older, a trip and fall can be far more than just a mild annoyance. As you get older, your bones aren’t as strong as they used to be, meaning your risk of breaks and fractures are much higher. This risk is made more severe if you suffer from a condition known as osteoporosis.
Posted: September 18, 2022Categories: Osteoporosis -
What Is Non-Hormonal Birth Control and How to Use It?
Women today have so many choices when it comes to birth control. We’re long past the days of only having ‘the pill’ as an option for family planning. While the pill is still one of the most popular methods of birth control, there are several other forms of birth control that work similarly to the pill.
Posted: September 15, 2022Categories: Contraceptive -
How Do I Know Whether The Morning After Pill Has Worked?
If you’ve had unprotected sex and are worried about an unwanted pregnancy, the morning after pill can help. When taken correctly and as soon as possible after unprotected sex, it can prevent pregnancy up to 99% of the time.
Posted: September 12, 2022Categories: Morning After Pill -
How to Identify & Treat Hirsutism?
All women have a certain amount of body hair and, yes, even a certain amount of facial hair. Men tend to have more hair than women and their hair is usually thicker, darker, and coarser than the hair that grows on women.
Posted: September 09, 2022Categories: Hirsutism -
World Suicide Prevention Day
Each year on the 10th September, people around the world gather to raise awareness about suicide prevention. By raising awareness, we are reducing the stigma around suicide.
Posted: September 09, 2022Categories: Asthma/COPD -
How to prevent bladder infections in males?
Your urinary tract continuously works hard to remove wastes, fluids, and toxins from your body. For your urinary tract to function properly, everything needs to work together and in the right order.
Posted: September 05, 2022Categories: Cystitis -
Vaginal Infection - Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
When you have a vaginal infection, the symptoms can quickly become uncomfortable. That’s why if you have any of the symptoms these infections cause, you want relief as soon as possible. Read on to find out more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment for two of the most common types of vaginal infection in women, bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
Posted: September 02, 2022Categories: Bacterial Vaginosis BV