Exposing common myths about hair regrowth Exposing common myths about hair regrowth

Losing your hair can be traumatic and make you want to do just about anything to stop it. Hair loss can be effectively slowed down with the right treatments and lifestyle adjustments so it’s important to know the real treatments from the fake. From miracle cures to old wives tales, there are a lot of misconceptions about how to stop your hair from falling out. Here are a few of the most common myths associated with hair loss.

6 Common Hair Loss Myths

When it comes to hair loss, there are numerous myths and misconceptions that can leave you feeling confused and worried. In this blog post, we'll debunk some common myths surrounding hair loss and provide you with accurate information. Understanding the truth behind these myths will help you make informed decisions about your hair care routine and overall well-being. Now let's dive into the myths and uncover the facts about hair loss:

  1. Wearing Hats
  2. Excessive Sun Exposure
  3. Using Too Much Product
  4. It’s Only a Male Problem
  5. Too Much Testosterone
  6. All Hair Loss is Permanent

Myth #1: Wearing Hats

A hat is a fashionable way for men to hide thinning hair. Hats vary in style and in how they sit on your head. Some people worry that consistently wearing hats puts pressure on the hair, or suffocates it, leading to hair loss.

There’s no evidence to show that any style of hat can cause hair loss or damage to the hair follicles. However, it’s a good idea to refrain from wearing hats that are too tight or that have gotten dirty. If you like sporting a jaunty cap as part of your wardrobe, clean them regularly and switch them out from time to time.

Myth #2: Excessive Sun Exposure

It’s important to limit direct sun exposure for several reasons. You need a certain amount direct sunlight to maintain healthy vitamin D levels and strong bones. However, excessive exposure to UV rays can cause irreparable damage to your skin, from wrinkles to sunburns to skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and is more deadly than you might think.

Indulging in too much sun worshipping doesn’t necessarily cause your hair to fall out. Hair follicles are strong and can withstand being out in the sun, but too much sun can make your hair dry, brittle, and more prone to breakage.

Myth #3: Using Too Much Product

Not everyone can pull off the bed-head look. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a huge market for hair gel, mousse, wax, and spray. If you like to style your hair with product, you don’t have to worry about it causing your hair to fall out. Used correctly, these products can give you the hairstyle you want and won’t cause any permanent damage.

You know your own hair best so you know how often you should wash it. When you do reach for that shampoo, be sure to thoroughly wash out any product. Also try to limit how often you use heat or harsh chemical treatments to style your hair.

Myth #4: It’s Only a Male Problem

Both men and women can experience hair loss although it usually happens more often in men. Men also lose their hair differently than women, in a pattern known as male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, typically starts with hair loss at the temples before progressing to hair loss at the crown and back of the head. Female pattern baldness usually occurs evenly across the entire head as an all-over thinning rather than as a receding hair line.

Myth #5: Too Much Testosterone

While testosterone can have a part in hair loss (more on this later), having too much of it doesn’t mean you’re going to go bald. Testosterone is a hormone and it’s natural for your levels to fluctuate throughout your life. Having too much or too little of certain hormones can cause functional problems throughout your body so it’s important to seek out your GP if you’re worried about your hormone levels.

Myth #6: All Hair Loss is Permanent

Whether or not your hair loss is permanent will depend on what’s causing it. If it’s temporary loss due to external factors, you have a better chance of regrowing your hair. Causes of temporary hair loss can include health conditions, medical treatments like chemotherapy, or hormonal imbalances.

If your hair loss is due to less controllable factors like genetics, your best bet at stopping hair loss is to start treating it as soon as you notice your hair thinning. The earlier you catch it, the more likely you’ll be able to keep the hair you have and potentially grow some back.

Hair Loss Treatment

Finasteride, sold under the brand name Propecia, is a widely used and highly effective treatment for male hair loss. It works by preventing your testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.

Combat hair loss with propecia

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women and is typically higher in men. DHT and testosterone have several important functions like improving muscle mass, fertility, and sexual health. They’re also responsible for the sex characteristics typically found in males like a deep voice or thicker body hair.

Unfortunately, DHT can attach to the receptors in the hair follicles and cause them to shrink. This makes it harder for your hair to grow and the hair that does grow may be thinner or weaker. If you have higher levels of DHT in your body, you’ll be more likely to experience hair loss.

By blocking the effects of DHT on the hair follicles, hair loss can be slowed down. In some cases, it may even be reversed. Using Propecia correctly will give you thicker, healthier locks that are less prone to shrinkage and breakage.

How Long Does Propecia Take to Work?

Propecia is effective but won’t give immediately noticeable results. You’ll need to take it regularly for at least three months for it to start working, although it can take longer. If you haven’t seen a difference after 12 months, speak to your GP or prescriber to discuss whether you should continue using Propecia.

Where Can I Buy Finasteride Tablets Online?

Men worried about hair loss can buy effective hair fall treatment for men online from us. In addition to Finasteride/Propecia tablets, we have other medications that can give you thicker hair as well help you live a happier, healthier life. After a short online assessment, our prescribers will have your hair loss tablets delivered right to you. Start consultation now to buy Propecia Tablets online in the UK.