In stock! Available for quick delivery!. Fever is considered one of the main symptoms of the Corona virus disease. Other symptoms include flu like indicators are flu like conditions such as dry cough, difficulty in breathing and high fever. Human beings have been dealing with all kinds of fever since time immemorial. We have the highest expertise in dealing with, measuring, treating and curing fever. However, this time things just got very serious as the virus is a super bug that keeps mutilating thus making it extremely dangerous. Luckily, we can still keep up the practices of identifying fever, monitoring and curing it. The first step, nevertheless, is to measure and track the temperature by the age old, time tested device – the thermometer.

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- Thermometers IR Thermometer 67.19
- Thermometers Digital Thermometer 11.49

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The whole world is one in the battle against the Corona virus which started in China’s Wuhan district in December 2019. This deadly virus has done extreme damage to human lives with as many as 200,000+people dead globally because of this virus. There is no cure and no vaccines currently available to beat this deadly disease. In such calamitous times, the advancements to medical technology are coming in handy. Infrared thermometers are one such advanced medical technology product that is proving to be extremely helpful in the current pandemic that the world is braving. Covid-19 or the corona virus disease spreads mostly through human to human exchange of bodily fluids, which happens through being in close proximity. With the use of an infrared thermometer, the need to be at close proximity is eradicated. Buy IR Covid 19 thermometer online and have it delivered directly to the address of your choice only at Pharmacy planet. An infrared thermometer measures the temperature of people at a distance. They are also known to do this at record speed of a few seconds or milliseconds. Buy IR Thermometer for detecting the symptoms of corona virus. However, the temperature is the external temperature only. Infrared rays or lasers are used to measure the temperature of the body they are pointed at. These are especially useful as fever is one of the main symptoms of detecting corona virus. The advantage is “no contact”, “no touch” which prevents transmission of diseases through physical touch. You can buy your own IR thermometer by clicking here

Infrared thermometers are most commonly being used at airports, hotels and malls to check the temperatures of people. The infrared energy radiated from the human body is sensed using these thermometers. There is currently a very high demand for infrared thermometers across the globe even though it is not capable of detecting the internal temperatures. If you are in the UK, you can Buy IR thermometer online. However, there are several other types of thermometers that are more efficient in reading out the temperatures of patients. Some of them are as follows:Ear thermometers are also available online and you buy ear thermometers online in the UK. These are also available at Pharmacy Planet. These thermometers include a pointed structure on the top which is inserted into the ear to measure the temperature. It comes with a protective cover in the form of a disposable cap for the tip that needs to be inserted in the ear. The unit is then turned on and the temperature taken with a click of a button. This device can be used on children and infants.

Forehead thermometers are fast and give a one second measurement of temperatures. These are also safe for children and infants. To use this thermometer, place the thermometer 1 to 3cms from the forehead and then click on start. Buy forehead thermometer online in the UK on Pharmacy Planet.

You can alternatively buy digital thermometer online in the UK and use it in a number of ways. This is one of the less expensive thermometers available in the market. This is a battery operated thermometer. The tip can be placed in the mouth or under the arm to find out the temperature. These are much easier to use than compared to mercury thermometer. Buy under arm digital thermometer in UK at

Children under the age of three are the highest risk of Covid-19 as they are young and their immune systems are not fully developed. For infants below three years of age usually a rectal thermometer or an axillary thermometer is used. Rectal temperature is most accurate. Using a digital rectal thermometer (you can buy a rectal thermometer online in UK), take the temperature when the baby is calm. Clean the tip of the thermometer with rubbing alcohol. Do not wash your thermometer with hot water. Cool water is fine. Apply a small amount of lubricant such as petroleum jelly and turn the thermometer on. Bend the baby’s legs towards the chest and insert the thermometer about an inch or half an inch for about a minute till you hear a beep. Check the reading and wipe the tip of the thermometer. Clean it again with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Make sure the thermometer is dry before you pack it away. Mark the packaging to be sure which thermometer is for rectal use so that it is not used anywhere else. Similarly, use a separate under arm thermometer by placing the baby on the changing table. Place the tip under the centre of the arm and hold the babies arm down in place for the thermometer to be able to take the reading. Wait till the thermometer beeps, take it out and read the temperature. You can verify both temperatures taken by both methods – under the arm and rectal temperatures. Make note of when the time when both were taken and call the doctor’s office if the temperature seems above normal. Under arm thermometers for sale in UK and can be purchased online as well.

The other way to check temperature is through the oral method. This can be done using a mercury thermometer or a digitalOral thermometer. You can buy oral thermometer online in the UK. Mercury thermometers are made of glass and are not sold as much as the Digital thermometers are on sale in the UK.

Oral thermometers are for sale UK, both online and in stores. In order to measure the temperature with an oral thermometer, first make sure you have done your hand hygiene and donned gloves. Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol, insert the probe cover and insert the thermometer in the patient’s mouth under the tongue. Keep the mouth closed. Once the temperature has been taken the thermometer will beep. Clean the thermometer again with rubbing alcohol and store it after it has dried.