Exploring the Benefits of Orlistat and Saxenda Weight Loss Treatments

Have you tried diet after diet without any success? If you are one of the many Brits who are obese and struggle to lose weight, you aren’t alone. Sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough to lose weight which is why medications have been developed to help.

Orlistat Capsules
Orlistat is the generic name of a weight loss medication called Xenical. Orlistat Capsules work by preventing around one third of the fat you eat from being digested, thereby reducing the amount of fat and calories you absorb. Orlistat has even been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

For Orlistat to achieve its maximum potential, it is advised that you eat a lower-fat diet and exercise as much as possible. Studies show that significant weight loss can be achieved when Orlistat is taken alongside a reduced calorie diet. In fact, over a one year period, those who took Orlistat with a reduced food intake lost twice as much weight as people who only dieted.

With Orlistat, you could lose as much as 5% of your body fat within 3 months. When you are overweight, losing even 5% of your body weight can have major benefits for your overall health.

Saxenda Injections
Saxenda is the brand name for a medication called liraglutide. Liraglutude was originally designed to treat diabetes, but it was soon found to successfully help patients lose weight as well by making them feel more full and less hungry. If you feel fuller, you are likely to eat less than you would normally. This is why Saxenda is highly recommended for obese people who want to lose weight and keep it off.

Research shows that people who take Saxenda lose on average around 10% of their body fat over the span of a few weeks. Another benefit of Saxenda is that it is self-injectable so you can take it on the go.

Saxenda may not be right for everyone. If you take oral medications, Saxenda can cause delayed gastric emptying so you may not fully absorb your other prescriptions. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist about potential interactions with any medications you take.

You can get weight loss pills online from Pharmacy Planet. We stock effective weight loss medication like Orlistat Capsules and Saxenda Injections online in the UK. To find out more visit Pharmacy Planet