Monthly Archives: January 2020

  1. Psoriasis treatments: Tips to prevent flare-ups

    Psoriasis treatments: Tips to prevent flare-ups

    Psoriasis is a skin condition that results in the over production of skin cells creating red patches which can be like spots or quite extensive areas over the skin’s surface.  These are usually flaky and crusty with a silvery appearance and can become sore, itchy and inflamed.

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  2. Diabetes Control: Why it’s important?

    Diabetes Control: Why it’s important?

    Diabetes is directly linked in many cases to lifestyle and weight and because it is so prevalent as the population gets larger and fatter, there is almost an inevitability about it, an acceptance of it which belies what a nasty disease it really is.  Because there is also medication available such as Metformin tablets, this tends to feed the notion that it is controllable and maybe not so serious.

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  3. The Best Combined Contraceptive Pill

    The Best Combined Contraceptive Pill

    Many women in the UK choose to take birth control pills, and there can be a number of reasons for this. At Pharmacy Planet, it is possible to buy Femodene and the Loestrin pill online, to ensure you never run out of contraceptive pills.

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  4. What is HPV

    What is HPV

    The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a name given to a common group of viruses. In many people, they do not cause problems, but certain types of HPV can cause genital cancers or warts. 

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  5. Five things you need to know about birth control

    Five things you need to know about birth control

    Birth control can take many different forms and it is important to remember that protection against unwanted pregnancy is not necessarily the same as protection against STIs – Sexually Transmitted Diseases  - and HIV Aids.

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